freedom of thought and its expression

Saturday, May 23, 2009


"Changes that were not meant to be,
Tow the hours of my memory."
- Jackson Carey Frank

Do you like her ?


A lot ?


Do you understand your emotions ?


Do you comprehend the consequences and repercussions of this ?


Do you realise you could be making things difficult for her ?


Do you realise you're trying to change what she's already comfortable with ?


Do you have the right to ask her for her time, space and thoughts ?


Do you think you're the right one for her ?


Do you think you're the best she can get ?


Do you realise you could be ruining things for her ?


Do you remember what it was like before all of this ?


Do you want her to be happy and comfortable wherever she is ?


Do you realise that sometimes, you needn't be there for her to be happy ?


Do you like her ?


A lot ?


Can you keep quiet about it ?


Can you keep quiet about it ?






Can you ?


Will you ?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I reckon after reading this, tht I will hv to be quiet abt it henceforth...

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